Negative Pressure System

28 July 2020
negative pressure system ambulance

The NPS (Negative Pressure System), an integral part of Antiviral Systems for Vehicles, developed by Auto Ribeiro Lda to combat COVID19 and other airborne viruses with 0.2 microns (minimum efficiency 85%), allows contaminated air inside the vehicle to be filtered and extracted safely, significantly reducing the risk of viral spread. This is possible by forcing the air to move downward, and maintaining a pressure difference from the outside.

sistema de pressão negativa

Sistema negative pressure ambulance


This system was designed to automatically adjust to the different variables existing in a vehicle, such as the fact that it travels at variable speed, the opening of the doors itself or even the operation of the air conditioning.

The NPS is designed to adapt to the conditions existing within the equipment’s limitations, and will inform the user whenever these negatively influence its operation and its compensation / adjustment is not possible.

Sistema de Pressão Negativa

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